Hamburger Anzeiger - Advertising

RBGPF 0% 56.9 $
BCC -1.59% 115.85 $
SCS 1.37% 13.14 $
CMSC -0.06% 23.975 $
GSK -0.44% 38.21 $
BTI -0.03% 31.07 $
RIO -0.61% 66.01 $
NGG 0.47% 57.41 $
JRI 0.73% 12.4 $
CMSD 0.21% 24.26 $
RELX 0.64% 45.5 $
BP 0.9% 36.76 $
RYCEF -1.42% 5.63 $
VOD -0.8% 8.8 $
AZN -1.23% 76.99 $
BCE -2.43% 31.33 $


Status: 01 March 2024

0. advertising - things to know
Reach? High-quality content? Innovative advertising media and user quality? Don't make any compromises when placing your online advertising.
58% are men (structure index 121)
42% are women (structure index 122)
78% are aged 14-49 (143)
49% have a high level of education* (240)
44% work in skilled and managerial jobs** (197)
35% have a personal net income of 2,000 € and more (183)
*at least A-levels, specialised A-levels / **self-employed, freelancers, middle and executive employees, senior and higher civil servants (as of 01 March 2024)
1. advertising - order in the sense of the GTC
- An order within the meaning of the GTC (General Terms and Conditions) is a contract for the placement of online advertisements ("Internet Advertising") by publishing materials designed for Internet Advertising (Advertising Media) on the web pages of "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER". Deviations from these terms and conditions must be made in writing. Any other terms and conditions of the Client shall not apply, even if "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" does not object to them in individual cases.

The order shall only be valid upon written confirmation of the order by the legal representative of "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected], as accepted, unless a contract has been concluded in another way, in particular before the written order confirmation, for which proof must be provided in the individual case.
2. Advertising - Placement of Advertising Media
- The placement of the advertising material shall be carried out at our reasonable discretion, taking into account the interests of the Advertiser to the greatest possible extent. A prerequisite for this is the timely delivery of the advertising material to "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER". The exclusion of competitors is not possible. The order for the placement of advertising must be made by means of a separate written banner placement contract between the contracting parties and the operating company of "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected], to be drawn up and signed by the contracting parties.
3. advertising - placements and refusal
- "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" reserves the right to refuse orders, including individual placements in framework agreements, on the grounds of content, origin or technical form, in accordance with uniform principles objectively justified by "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" on the basis of customary industry practice, if their content is contrary to the law, official regulations or morality, or if their publication is unacceptable to "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER".
In this respect, "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" may withdraw from orders already confirmed - including individual partial call-offs in the case of blanket orders - if it only becomes aware after the conclusion of the contract of the content, origin or technical form of an order that would have entitled it to reject it. The Client shall be informed immediately of the rejection of the order. An advertising medium that is not recognisable as an advertisement will be marked by "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" with the word "Advertisement".
4. advertising - technical specifications
The Client is responsible for the timely delivery of faultless advertising media that comply with the technical specifications of "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER". In the case of advertising media that are clearly unsuitable, the Client shall immediately replace them upon request by "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" is not obliged to check the content and legal admissibility of the advertising media. Costs for the production of ordered advertising media as well as for significant changes requested by the customer or for which the customer is responsible due to the technical quality of the advertising media shall be borne by the customer. If any defects in the advertising media are not immediately recognisable, but only become apparent at the time of insertion, the customer shall not be entitled to any claims in the event of defective insertion. Advertising media shall only be returned at the express request of the Client. The obligation to keep the advertising material ends ten days after the last insertion.
5. advertising - supplementary performance
- In the event of defective Internet advertising for which "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" is responsible, the client shall be entitled to subsequent performance by the insertion of a replacement advertisement free of defects, but only to the extent that the purpose of the advertisement was impaired. If "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" does not comply with this obligation within a reasonable period of time, or if the replacement advertisement is also defective, the client may demand a reduction of the remuneration or withdraw from the contract in the case of individual placements, and in the case of framework agreements may only demand a reduction of the remuneration in the amount of the defective partial performance.
6. advertising - rights, exploitation rights, claims
- The client assures that he is the unrestricted owner of all rights of use to the advertising placed on the Internet. In this respect, he shall indemnify "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" against all claims of third parties and shall grant the latter the exploitation rights necessary for the use of the advertising. To the extent that "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" conceives, designs and/or implements Internet advertising for the Client, the rights arising therefrom shall remain with "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER". "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" grants the client a simple right of use for the purpose of placing the advertisement on the Internet. Defective placements of advertising must be reported to "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" in writing immediately after becoming aware of the defect. Claims arising from defective placement of advertising shall become statute-barred one year after publication if the client is an entrepreneur, otherwise after two years.
7. Advertising - Liability
- "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", respectively the operating company, is liable for intent and gross negligence also of its legal representatives and vicarious agents. In the event of a merely negligent breach of duty by the publishing company or its legal representatives and vicarious agents, liability shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract up to the amount of the agreed remuneration.
8. advertising - method of payment
- If the Advertiser does not make advance payment, invoices shall be due immediately. The prices for placements result from the respective valid price list or from the online advertising contract (banner placement contract) concluded between the client and "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER". In the event of legal changes, the new conditions shall also apply immediately to current orders. The price is due immediately upon placement of the advertisement, unless a different payment deadline or advance payment has been agreed in individual cases. Any discounts for early payment shall be granted in accordance with the price list. Discounts agreed or granted for the placement of several advertisements or for the conclusion of blanket orders shall only apply if the respective quantity of advertisements and the time frame are adhered to. In the event of non-compliance with the agreed quantity of advertisements or the time frame, "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" shall be entitled to recalculate the discount on a pro rata basis according to the difference between the discount granted and the discount corresponding to the actual purchase.
- All advertisements or advertising placements placed for customers must be sent in advance to the legal representative company "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected], and are due in full upon order confirmation! No refund will be made in the event of cancellation due to the commencement of relevant services!
9. advertising - default of payment
- If the client is in arrears with a payment, the publisher is entitled to charge interest on arrears at a rate of 12% p.a., otherwise 6% p.a. above the base interest rate, without prior reminder until payment is received from the company. Receives "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", respectively the legal representative company: "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected], becomes aware after the conclusion of the contract that its claim for payment from the Client is at risk due to the Client's lack of ability to pay as a result of its poor financial situation, it may, without prejudice to any payment agreements, demand advance payment for placements already made, immediate payment of invoices in arrears, including those not yet due, refuse further placements or withdraw from the contract.
10. advertising - force majeure
- "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" shall not be responsible for delays in performance caused by force majeure, strikes, lock-outs, operational disruptions or other events equivalent thereto. "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" may publish placements immediately after the event ceases to exist or withdraw from the contract in whole or in part. The client shall not be entitled to any claims for damages in this respect.
11. advertising - notice AGB (general terms and conditions)
- At this point reference is emphatically made to the General Terms and Conditions (AGB), which can be viewed under AGB on these pages. The General Terms and Conditions and other written agreements shall remain valid even if individual provisions should prove to be invalid. The provision concerned shall then be interpreted in such a way that the economic and legal purposes originally intended by it are achieved as far as possible.
12 Advertising - right of withdrawal
(1) The user/user is entitled to revoke his/her declaration of intent to conclude a contract within two weeks. The period begins at the earliest with the receipt of these instructions or with the conclusion of the contract. The timely dispatch of the declaration of revocation shall be sufficient to comply with the time limit. It must be made in writing without giving reasons and addressed to:

"HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected]

(2) In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties must be returned and any benefits derived must be surrendered. If the user/user cannot return the services received in whole or in part or only in a deteriorated condition, compensation must be paid to this extent.
A refund of fees paid by the customer shall not be made in the event of cancellation due to the commencement of relevant services and the commencement of service fulfilment! The commencement of the performance of the service exists if the service provider has commenced activities for the performance of the service!
(3) Furthermore, the right of withdrawal shall not apply if "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected], has started with the execution of the service according to the order before the end of the revocation period, which is done by the client with confirmation and release of the advertisement / service.
13. postal address
"HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected]

14. evaluation of visits and page impressions
Data status: Evaluation - host data from: 01.10. 2023
Data backup at ASPECTRA (Switzerland) and IronMountain (USA)
15. technical systems
Technical Datas - Server banks backed up at: VIBRANT, Minnesota, (USA): 5x zEnterprise System (z196, zEC12), 5x IBM System i model 595, 10 x IBM iSeries 890 servers, 5x SunFire x4500Servers, 5x ProLiant BL45p G2Blade - Firewalls: Citrix Firewalls - Technology: Silicon Graphics - COLT IT server security - Operating systems: Solaris 10,64-bit - Sun Java Enterprise Solaris 10, and 3x IBM eServer zSeries 900 model 216 - secured using Common Criteria level EAL7 (Evaluation Assurance Level 7).

All data is backed up and published for all daily newspapers, on all continents of the "GSB Group using the following technology: eServer zSeries 900 (z900 for short) with 64-bit z/Architecture extension of the S/360 architecture.
16. information and background on data and figures

Page Impressions (Pis) Number of PIs per period.

The number alone does not give a qualitative statement about the benefit of the site. It can only be AGregated into a relevant statement in conjunction with other figures.
If the figures are generally too low, the accesses via search engines and the associated measures may need to be reviewed
Visits Number of visits per period
Here, too, other figures must be added as a weighting.
The number of PIs per visit or visitor is interesting.
Visitors Number of visitors per period
What was said for PIs and visits also applies here
PIs pro Seite Number of views of a page per period.
Can provide information about the general interest in a page.
Please see Freshness and Personalisation Index.
PIs pro Bereich It makes more sense, instead of following thousands of pages of the website with similar content, to divide the website into thematic areas and make statements about the interest in the thematic blocks See also Freshness and Personalisation Index
PIs pro Parameter Definition of own parameters or variables, e.g. in the shop or in personalisation and counting of the frequency of parameter values per time period

Can provide information about complex situations in shops or on large sites
Rather seldom used indicator, as these are very individual.
PIs pro Visitor Indicator of the number of page impressions of a visitor. Can be measured per period or per lifetime. Provides information on whether a visitor belongs to the target group or not. Many PIs per visitor indicate a high relevance of the website to the visitor's interest. Stickiness and conversion can be observed in this context.
PIs pro Visit As with PIs per visitor, a key figure for the relevance of the site for the visitor. Conversion can also be observed here.
Performance Performance is a separate key figure group that essentially puts the number of hits in a chronological context: Page impressions per hour, dwell time per hour etc. These numbers are primarily used to find the "prime time of the website Background can be technical requirements as well as marketing requirements (calculation of banner prices etc.)

17. advertising - booking options and prices /.net /.media /.eu / .com / .info and others
18. "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" - Premium fields (see superscript no. in the table)
1 - Rotation on content matching servers with environments such as finance, car, computer and telecom.
2 - Rotation on all websites marketed by "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER".
3 - Additional reminder button 160 x 50 pixels: CPM 5 euros.
4 - Various combinations possible, more information on request.
5 - The advertising formats comply with the UAP specifications
- Colouring + Medium Rectangle in Streaming Format + Broadband Targeting
- All prices in EURO plus VAT.
- The minimum booking volume is 2,500 EURO (in words: one thousand five hundred Euro).
In addition, the booking and optimisation of keyword-specific text ads (sponsored links campaigns) improvement of your own website in the natural results of the search engine (SEO, Search Engine Optimisation - Branding or performance campaigns (net block campaigns, CPC campaigns, re-targeting campaigns, behavioural targeting campaigns) is possible.
You can see the layout of the ads here by clicking on the image.
"HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected], grants the following quantity discounts, this on the basis of the respective calendar year:

19. Order volume discount:

- from 15.000 Euro: 3,5%
- from 50.000 Euro: 5%
- from 100.000 Euro: 11%
- from 150.000 Euro: 16
- from 250.000 Euro: 21
- from 500.000 Euro: 30%
20. terms of payment
- The basis for the billing of campaigns is the reporting of the "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" - AdReport server. Complaints can only be made during an ongoing campaign. After the end of a campaign and receipt of the final report, complaints can no longer be taken into account for billing and remuneration. If the order is placed via an agency, an agency commission of 15% is granted. Please refer to points 8 and 9 for the settlement modalities.
21. advertising options
Full Banner Rotation
Super Banner
Continuous advertising
Page Peel
Interstitial ad
22. principal
Any person, firm, company or other organisation that hires, uses or purchases services or products offered by "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER". The Principal is the sole contractual partner of "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" or its representative under licence. The client grants "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", represented by "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected], Orders for the performance or provision of services. "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" invoices these services to the Client through the company of its legal representative, which manages the licence of "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" for this purpose.
23. annexes
Documents attached to the Service and Service Framework Agreements containing a description of the technical or procedural details, the respective scope of services and further information on the services to be provided under the Service or Service Framework Agreement. This may, in particular, be service descriptions, product information or price lists.
24. contractual partner
The Customer and "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER", published by "GSMedia, a media division of GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, Unter den Linden 21, D-10117 Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany), Telephone: +49 30 2092-4045, Fax: +49 30 2092 40 44, Commercial Register Duesseldorf (Federal Republic of Germany) HRB 94738, Sales St. ID: DE 275405062, Mail: [email protected], are individually referred to as the Contracting Party or together also as the Contracting Parties.
25. Severability clause
Should individual provisions of a contract signed exclusively by the trademark owners of the trademark "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" be invalid and or unenforceable or become invalid or unenforceable after the conclusion of the contract, this shall not affect the validity of the rest of the contract. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision the effects of which come as close as possible to the economic objective pursued by the contracting parties with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that the contract proves to be incomplete.
26. Place of Performance - Place of Jurisdiction
The place of performance and jurisdiction is Berlin (Federal Republic of Germany). The place of business of the Word/Picture mark (TRADEMARK) owner of the word mark "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER" Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany.
If you have any questions about advertising, you can contact the relevant department at our e-mail address: [email protected]
Thank you for your attention, your daily newspaper "HAMBURGER ANZEIGER".